May has been such a busy month with two weekends of Open Studios which were very successful with around 300 visitors and lots of lovely visitors and and some good sales. I still feel a thrill of excitement whenever someone loves a painting enough to buy and it is always great to have such positive feedback from clients and visitors alike. I was particularly pleased to sell some of my etchings this time. I have been wanting to brush up on printing skills for a long time and have only been working on them this last year.
Views of Open Studio Event
I am very pleased to announce that a lovely gallery in Sutton Bonnington approached me to exhibit some work. Last week I went to visit and they now have some of my work on show.
I started a painting before Open Studios of Whitby to show as my work in progress and I knew it was going to be an exciting adventure as soon as I began to work on it. I have really begun to explore the possibilities of working with texture paste and working with strong colour and shapes painted with a palette knife. The painting is big 4" x 3" and I feel as if it is a leap forward in my work. I have also completed a smaller painting in the same style and have plans for one of Staithes on a large canvas, which I have ordered today! Watch this space...
Dramatic Whitby
Whitby Reflection |