Friday, 4 January 2013

First Painting of the New Year

Happy New Year to you all!
I am starting 2013 with a painting of a coble (surprise, surprise). For Christmas I got a film scanner and I am having great fun going through all my old slides and negatives. I found some gems of cobles around Flamborough and so I will be using them as a basis for future paintings.
This one, I just had to start off the new year with, the perspective real attracted me to the image,  the coble features so large in the frame, and with the extra challenge of a figure.
Coble Flamborough

I am working on a 36" x 24'" canvas in oils

Initial Drawing

The drawing I did with a charcoal stick as it is easy to correct as I go. The was was done with light raw umber, a personal favourite, it is great for rust on the cobles too.

Blocking In

The next stage is the blocking in, using basic blocks of colour and not worrying about any fine details.

Adding Depth

Carrying on with the blocks of colour but adding shading to give depth to the painting.

Adding Highlights

At this stage I am beginning to think about the highlights and the direction of the light, which is coming in from the right. There is a lot of building up in layers to do and adding finer detail, but I don't want to over work it or get too fiddly.


  1. can't believe how much you have done so quickly - it's looking good already!
